One morning in May 2019, journalist Bryan Carmody woke to the sound of 10 San Francisco police officers bashing in the front gate of his home. With warrants in hand, the officers handcuffed him and seized his computers, multiple cell phones, and other belongings—all part of an attempt to uncover who had leaked a confidential police report. Carmody turned to Thomas R. Burke, who immediately challenged this violation of Carmody's rights under the California Shield Law. City officials vigorously defended the raid at first, but Tom soon secured the return of his client's property and a public apology from the city's chief of police. Tom also helped draw wide national attention to the case— with the Boston Globe calling it "a sledgehammer attack on America's press freedoms" and New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen calling the situation a "free press emergency." In subsequent weeks, Tom and Dan Laidman succeeded in quashing all five of the search warrants issued against our client, thereby ensuring that all material obtained with the orders cannot be used.