As state and local governments look toward easing COVID-19-relateded restrictions, family businesses will have their eye on reopening or ramping up operations. Eager to get back to work and generate revenue, it can be tempting to rush into resuming business as usual.
But reopening should be done thoughtfully and with care. Your family businesses should make sure it is following guidance provided by federal, state, and local laws, as well as practical guidance to ensure customers and employees feel comfortable returning.
We encourage you to review our checklist of labor and employment factors that we anticipate businesses will face moving forward. For additional information, we invite you to attend one of our COVID-19 webinars.
The facts, laws, and regulations regarding COVID-19 are developing rapidly. Since the date of publication, there may be new or additional information not referenced in this advisory. Please consult with your legal counsel for guidance.
DWT will continue to provide up-to-date insights and virtual events regarding COVID-19 concerns. Our most recent insights, as well as information about recorded and upcoming virtual events, are available at