The Washington Associated General Contractors reports on the state of the 2010 Legislative session. The budget and taxes take center stage in the Special Session begun March 15, including a proposed three-year increase in the sales tax of 0.3%.
Legislation already passed includes:
EHB 2805, which requires contractors to disclose information concerning off-site prefabrication; a violation would render a contractor non-responsible for future public work. The AGC has asked Governor Gregoire to veto the bill.
ESSB 6381 updates the 2009-11 transportation budget to reflect receipt of ARRA funds.
ESSB 5529 effects various relatively modest changes to architectural licensing law.
SSSB 6578 allows concurrent processing of environmental permits to speed approve of WSDOT projects.
SHB 2758 extends reseller permits to a term of two years from date of issuance.
SSSB 6575 seeks to strengthen education and penalties for unregistered contractors.