"Today’s Labor Laws: Best Practices to Avoid Future Damages," Multi-Unit Franchising Conference, Las Vegas
DWT partner Janet Grumer spoke at this year's Multi-Unit Franchising Conference in Las Vegas on April 26, 2012. She participated on the panel "Today’s Labor Laws: Best Practices to Avoid Future Damages."
Employment-related lawsuits and class actions (wage and hour complaints, discrimination, workers comp, negligent hiring, etc.) are dramatically on the rise and these days your business is most likely to be sued not by a customer, client, or vendor, but by one of your past, current, or potential employees. There is only one way to allay the risk of these costly legal battles and that is to "Hire Tough."
In this session, expert authority Mel Kleiman, delivered pragmatic, easy-to-implement HR best practices that legally and effectively screen in the best and screen out the rest. The panel included a background check vendor, an employment law attorney, and two seasoned franchisees who have experienced labor law challenges.
Read more about the conference here.