Meet an Associate
Amit S. Aulakh
New York, Davis Wright Tremaine
View his bio here
What brought you to the legal field?
I was working as a consultant in the technology sector and while I loved the substance of the work, I felt like I wasn’t making an impact on the scale that I would like to. After some soul searching and years of considering which direction to take my professional career, I decided that law would be where I could get the intellectual challenge I needed and have the ability to impact my clients on a massive scale.
Tell us a bit about your expertise, considering your unique professional background.
I am an associate in the Technology side of DWT’s Technology, Communications, Privacy and Security Group, which perfectly complements my pre-law career. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a technology fan and a tinkerer, opening up my father’s Micron computer (with a blazing fast processor speed of 15Mhz!), breaking it and trying to fix it before he found out. This led to majoring in Computer Science in college and ultimately becoming a consultant and software developer. Working on the Technology side of law is great because it allows me to “geek out” on the substance of my client’s products even while focusing on the legal aspects.
What excites you about the future of the law and your practice?
As a member of the New York Office’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, while we have a long way to go, I’m incredibly pleased to see the direction the industry has shifted in during recent years in encouraging inclusivity and fostering diversity. My practice is naturally exciting because it focuses on cutting-edge clients and technologies that are constantly changing and finding new ways to change the world.
As an avid traveler, what is your favorite place you have ever visited?
Tanzania, hands down. I went on a 7-day hike of Mount Kilimanjaro followed by 5 days in the Serengeti and topped off with lounging on the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar. It’s hard to beat waking up at 3 a.m. to sounds of a giant African elephant munching leaves just feet from your bed!
Finally, and most importantly, do you prefer the window or aisle seat?
Window. A beautiful view, solitude (relatively speaking), and a sleeping surface. How is this even a debate?!