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Ginni Chen
Professional Staff
Director, DWTSurge Administration
The right person can be the best solution.
Ginni Chen manages the firm's alternative-staffing program, DWTSurge. DWTSurge is a DWT-sourced, vetted, trained, and quality-controlled bench of alternative-career attorneys available to serve the needs of DWT clients and practitioners. When DWT experiences episodic spikes in work, Ginni sources and deploys contractors with the appropriate subject matter expertise to serve as a "flex-up" team. Ginni assists in fulfilling client secondment requests, and also focuses on coordinating flexible, cost-effective legal teams to manage high-volume work streams.
Practice Highlights
Identified various DWTSurge attorneys to provide on-site support to client legal team and cover client personnel leaves of absence on a full-time basis at a fixed fee to a large technology client. Coordinated secondee management, support, and supervision by DWT attorneys to improve client experience and add additional value.
Client-dedicated legal teams for high-volume work streams
Established teams of DWT Surge attorneys dedicated solely to managing the day-to-day needs of a particular high-volume work stream for a client under alternative fee arrangements.
Right-sizing legal work
Worked with DWT De Novo legal solutions architects to organize client work into tiers, determine subject matter expertise required for each tier, and identify lower cost resources and escalation paths for each defined tier.
Admitted to Practice
New York, 2010
J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 2009
- Editor, Michigan Journal of Race and Law
- Dean's Award: Business and Corporations
B.A., Amherst College, 2006