A dozen folks from DWT’s Seattle office—including partners, summers, associates, and staff—came away charged up from a diversity breakfast and CLE this summer at the Washington Athletic Club. The event was sponsored by the Puget Sound Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators (PSALA), whose executive board and diversity committee includes DWT’s Seattle facilities manager, Lisa Wabik. Wabik spearheaded the firms’ participation, saying, “I thought this would be beneficial for us and a great way to connect outside the office.” The featured speaker at the event was Candi Castleberry-Singleton, the Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, who discussed how leaders can create accountability in their firms and how inclusive environments create engaged employees. The event was a fundraiser for the King County Bar Association’s Future of the Law Institute, a yearlong program for minority and economically disadvantaged high school students interested in learning more about a career in the law.