Formerly incarcerated people have a hard time separating themselves from their criminal histories, which makes it difficult to forge new lives. But What's Next Washington (WNW), a group of formerly incarcerated individuals and their allies, is working hard to make it possible for adults with criminal histories to fully participate in society. Fostering greater job opportunities is one key to that effort, and DWT's Joseph Hoag has been assisting WNW by easing employer apprehensions about hiring this population. "The 'common sense' fears are misplaced and inaccurate," says Joseph. Data indicates that significant portions of the formerly incarcerated "are no more risky than someone with no history of incarceration at all," he says. "In fact, folks who get second chances are grateful for the opportunity and tend to be very loyal; they really want to prove themselves. We're trying to educate employers on the benefits of giving these folks a chance." DWT's Seattle office has hosted four WNW events, where interested employers from the hospitality, tech, and other industries, including large DWT clients, came to hear how they could help break down the barriers to re-entry and help reduce recidivism.