Contact: Mark Fefer, Marketing Communications, 206.757.8583 or
OCT. 20, 2020 – Davis Wright Tremaine LLP has been ranked second in this year's Law360 Glass Ceiling Report. The report compares law firms of similar size on two measures: the percentage of female attorneys at the firm and the percentage of female equity partners.
In addition to those metrics, the firm was ranked highly for its percentage of female minority attorneys, Executive Committee representation, and percentage of female non-partners. Law360 listed Davis Wright as among the country's "ceiling smashers"—firms "that are outpacing their peers as the legal industry works towards closing the gender gap in its top ranks."
"I'm incredibly proud of this recognition," said Jeff Gray, firmwide managing partner at Davis Wright Tremaine. "And I'm grateful to everyone who is working so hard to make our firm stronger and help us serve our clients better.
"In our strategic plan, we highlight the importance of strengthening our culture by creating a more inclusive environment with a richness of backgrounds and perspectives. It's a priority because it enables us to deliver better, more innovative solutions to attract and retain top clients and makes the firm a more interesting place to work and practice.
"While women hold many key leadership positions across our firm, we will continue to work together to make our firm an inclusive place where women and diverse lawyers can build successful careers. To do this, we need to support the talented associates poised to grow into our next generation of partners and firm leaders."
The firm's commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion extends beyond the walls of the firm and includes Project W, a multi-faceted initiative to help women—particularly diverse women—advance their careers, launch successful companies, and achieve parity in the workplace.
About Davis Wright Tremaine
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP is an AmLaw 100 law firm with more than 550 lawyers representing clients based throughout the United States and around the world. For more information, visit