EPA Briefing on Recent Climate Change Regulations
Davis Wright Tremaine Webinar 06.22.10
Department of Ecology Releases Guidance on Climate Change and SEPA
Davis Wright Tremaine Advisory 06.01.10
Sen. Kerry Introduces the Kerry-Lieberman Climate/Energy Bill
Press release, Sen. John Kerry, 05.12.10
ASTM E2718 - 10: Standard Guide for Financial Disclosures Attributed to Climate Change
Issued by ASTM International, March 2010
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's response to senators about Clean Air Act permitting
Press release and letter, 02.22.10
Climate Change to Receive More Attention Under NEPA
Davis Wright Tremaine Advisory, 02.22.10
President Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for Federal Operations
White House press release, 01.29.10
SEC Adopts Guidance For Disclosing Climate Change-Related Risks
Davis Wright Tremaine Advisory, 01.28.10
Climate Change: Sen. Cantwell Introduces Alternative to Cap and Trade
Davis Wright Tremaine Advisory, 12.15.09
Carbon Limits and Energy for America’s Renewal (CLEAR) Act
Video, text of proposed climate change legislation, and related testimony and documents published by the office of Sen. Maria Cantwell, 12.11.09