Nearly 1 Million Homes and Small Business Locations Eligible for CAF Phase II Funding
The FCC issued a Public Notice yesterday identifying the final census blocks eligible for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (“CAF Phase II Auction”). The list of almost 1 million eligible homes and small businesses is based on the FCC’s most recent publicly available broadband deployment data, a/k/a Form 477 data (as of 12/31/16). Generally, eligible areas for the Phase II auction are those census blocks that are not served by an incumbent “price cap” local exchange carrier or by an unsubsidized competitor with voice and broadband at speeds of 10/1 Mbps or higher and are deemed to be high cost or extremely high cost areas.
The Public Notice states that the list of final areas has been issued “at least three months prior to the deadline to submit short-form applications for the Phase II auction.” This statement suggests that short-form applications for the CAF Phase II Auction may be due near the end of Q1 2018, indicating that the auction could take place shortly thereafter (possibly as early as the beginning of Q3 2018).
Providers should review the list of census block eligible for CAF support if they wish to participate in the auction. Potential CAF Phase II auction participants can review the map and eligible areas using the resources below.
Final bidding procedures have not yet been released; however proposals were released earlier this year. DWT will continue to keep you apprised of any updates.