Vidhya Prabhakaran, a partner in national law firm Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, interviews California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Picker about the relevant developments and implications around expanding retail choice in California at the Advanced Energy Economy’s Pathway to 2050 conference. The full presentation may be viewed here.
The annual California energy policy event brings together an influential group of advanced energy business leaders and state policy-makers to discuss opportunities to accelerate California's economy through the growth of advanced energy. Davis Wright Tremaine was a Gold Sponsor of the event.
Prabhakaran sought to turn the recent joint CPUC/CEC en banc meeting held on May 19 focused on retail choice on its head and questioned President Picker using many of the same questions President Picker had asked of the panelists at the joint en banc. Accordingly, Prabhakaran spoke with President Picker about what the term “full retail choice” actually means and how the CPUC will be able to ensure reliability and consumer protections in a “full retail choice” world.
Prabhakaran, located in the firm’s San Francisco office, is the incoming Energy Practice Group co-chair at Davis Wright Tremaine.