Upcoming Deadline: FCC Regulatory Fees Due Sept. 22, 2009
The FCC has set the due date for its annual regulatory fees and announced that its electronic filing system has been activated to accept fiscal year 2009 fees. Fees must be paid to the FCC by Sept. 22, 2009.
FCC licensees and permittees, including cable operators, interstate telecommunications service providers (ITSPs), interconnected VoIP providers, and commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) licensees must remit the regulatory fees they owe for fiscal year 2009 via the FCC’s Fee Filer Web site.
The FCC aggressively enforces the regulatory fee requirement. Payments not made by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Sept. 22 will incur a 25 percent late fee. A payment that is even one day late automatically incurs the 25 percent penalty. Accordingly, licensees should submit all fees due on time and make certain payments are accurate. Be sure to keep a copy of all correspondence, electronic confirmations, and proof of payment when submitting the annual regulatory fees.
For more information, see our Aug. 13, 2009, advisory, "FCC Sets FY 2009 Regulatory Fees: September Payment Deadline to be Established."
Please contact your Davis Wright Tremaine attorney if you have questions or would like assistance with submitting your fees.