2017 Health Care Regulatory and Compliance Update, Davis Wright Tremaine Seminar, Los Angeles
Our annual complimentary seminar discusses current developments in health care regulation and hospital compliance.
8:30-8:45 a.m.
Welcome & Introduction
Speaker: Dennis S. Diaz
8:45-9:30 a.m.
340B Drug Discount Program – Dealing with Compliance Audits and Adverse Audit Findings
- Overview of the 340B Program
- Key 340B Program compliance requirements: prevention of diversion and duplicate discounts; GPO prohibitions
- Dealing with 340B compliance audits: the audit process; potential consequences from adverse audit findings; developing and implementing plans of correction
- Post-audit issues – Does my facility have to make refunds to manufacturers for prescriptions found on audit not to be 340B eligible? If so, what is the amount that must be refunded?
Speaker: Jordan Keville
8:45-9:30 a.m.
Health Care Regulatory Enforcement Trends: Ghosts of Past, Present and Yet to Come—the Trump Effect
- Overview of key fraud and abuse provisions used by enforcement agencies, including provisions of the Affordable Care Act
- Potential impact of repeal of the Affordable Care Act fraud and abuse reforms
- False claims act developments
- Per claim penalties increased
- Significant case law developments; settlements
- Emerging enforcement trends
- Improper disposal of items containing confidential patient information
- Narcotics diversion and opioid prescription abuse
Speakers: Jeffrey B. Coopersmith, Renee Howard, Kerry E. Shea
8:45-9:30 a.m.
Health IT Challenges for Health Care Providers
- The future of meaningful use
- The rise of digital health
- Navigating the cloud
Speaker: Jane Eckels
9:40-10:25 a.m.
Governance Compliance Developments: What Your Board Needs to Know About and Do Vis-À-Vis Compliance
- Recent developments in governance compliance obligations
- What should hospital boards be doing to discharge their compliance obligations?
- Tax exemption issues in compliance
- Best practices
Speakers: Robert L. Schuchard, Kathleen Drummy
9:40-10:25 a.m.
Managing New Risks in Hospital-Physician Relationships – A Potpourri
- Stark and anti-kickback statute update
- The 60-day repayment rule
- Physician compensation
- Voluntary disclosures and refunds to the government – pitfalls
- New medical necessity issues: the Department of Justice’s national settlements in false claims act cases; medical necessity of diagnostic services
Speakers: Renee Howard, Robert G. Homchick
10:35-11:20 a.m.
California’s End of Life Option Act
- What are the key elements of California’s End of Life Option Act?
- Which regulatory agencies are involved and what are their roles?
- How are California providers responding to EOLOA?
- What can we learn about how this will work from the Oregon Death with Dignity Act experience?
Speakers: Terri D. Keville, John P. Krave, Marcia Penido
10:35-11:20 a.m.
Health Information Privacy and Security Update
- Increased OCR enforcement actions
- Recent guidance on ransomware, cloud computing, and the individual’s right of access
- The HIPAA Audit Program
Speakers: Sean. R Baird, Adam H. Greene
10:35-11:20 a.m.
Telemedicine: Recent Developments and Hot Topics
- Business structures: How are facilities, professionals, and vendors working together to provide telemedicine?
- Licensure/credentialing: What licensing and credentialing requirements apply to such arrangements?
- Privacy/security: Which business partners are responsible for ensuring the privacy and security of data generated and transmitted in the conduct of telemedicine? What are their obligations?
- Other hot topics in telehealth: fraud and abuse developments, coding and payment issues, and appropriate notices and disclosures to patients receiving telehealth services
Speakers: Dayna Collins Nicholson, Adam D. Romney
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Compliance Officers Roundtable
A special panel discussion among California Hospital Compliance Officers.
Speakers: Dennis S. Diaz, Christopher Doan, Derek Kang, Cari Toneck, RN, MN