Today, the FCC announced the appointment of Parul Desai to serve as the Open Internet ombudsperson -- the public’s primary point of contact within the agency for formal and informal questions and complaints related to the Open Internet rules.

The Open Internet Order, adopted by the Commission in February 2015, established “an ombudsperson to assist consumers, businesses, and organizations with open Internet complaints and questions by ensuring these parties have effective access to the Commission’s processes that protect their interests,” and specified that the ombudsperson will be part of the FCC’s Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, the agency’s primary initial informal complaint intake point.

The public notice indicates that Ms. Desai will “manage questions or complaints regarding the Open Internet to ensure that small and often unrepresented groups reach the appropriate bureaus and offices to address specific issues of concern.”  In addition, Ms. Desai will work as a point of contact and a source of assistance, not as an advocate or as an officer who must be approached for approval.  She can be reached at: or (202) 418 - 1155.