Health and Safety Reporting Reminder: March 2 Deadline to Submit OSHA 300A Summary
Employers required to keep an OSHA 300A summary of work-related injuries and illnesses must submit their OSHA 300A summary for calendar year 2021 by March 2, 2022. This obligation applies to employers in all states, including states authorized by OSHA to enforce their own occupational safety and health "state plan."
Employers must electronically submit an OSHA 300A summary for 2021 for each "establishment" that:
- Had 250 or more employees at any time during the 2021 calendar year; or
- Had 20 or more employees at any time during the 2021 calendar year, and is one of the specific industries noted by OSHA as having historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses; or
- Has been directed by OSHA or OSHA's designee to submit an OSHA 300A summary.
The reporting requirement is specific to each "establishment," defined to mean a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. When counting how many employees each establishment had for 2021, employers must be careful to count each individual employed at the establishment at any time during the calendar year, including part-time, seasonal, and temporary workers.
Employers who are partially exempt from keeping injury and illness records only have to submit their OSHA 300A summaries if OSHA directs them to do so.
Employers can submit their records at OSHA's Injury Tracking Application website, or state equivalent for employers in "state plan" states.
Don't Forget to Post
Employers are also reminded that they were required to post their completed OSHA 300A summaries for 2021 at each location by February 1, 2022, regardless of whether they are required to submit those summaries to OSHA, unless they are partially exempt under OSHA's recordkeeping regulations from keeping injury and illness records. These summaries should remain posted until April 30, 2022.