The FTC's New GLBA Safeguards – Is Your Security Program Ready?
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 | 3:00PM–4:00PM ET
Online Event
The FTC made significant updates to the GLBA Safeguards Rule in December 2021. Join DWT Partners Mike Borgia and Brian Hurh, and associate Anastasia Liounakos, for a discussion of key considerations for complying with the new rule, including:
- How the new rule applies and who is impacted by it
- How the new rule compares to other cybersecurity requirements – and how you can leverage parts of your existing security program to comply
- Recent FTC enforcement actions that indicate increased regulatory scrutiny in data security
- Strategies for conducting a risk assessment and assessing the state of your current program
CLE Credit
This program is PENDING the following CLE Credits: 1.0 WA Law and Legal, 1.0 CA General, 1.0 NY Prof. Prac., 1.0 OSB General Credit and 1.0 AK General Credit.
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Regulatory & Compliance