Water is everywhere, yet for nearly a third of humanity, finding clean water is a daily struggle. While almost 70 percent of earth is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh and only 1 percent of freshwater is easily accessible. This is why Powwater aims to address that challenge by investing most of the net proceeds from sales of its water bottles and other products into the company's "impact partners:" social businesses that work to provide clean water infrastructure and solutions in water-scarce regions, primarily in Africa. A DWT team led by Nicholas Giannasca has provided general corporate advice with regard to the creation of Powwater as a Delaware public benefit corporation, intellectual-property advice, and advice on conducting business internationally, in the hopes of getting water to everyone, not just those who are fortunate enough to have ready access to it. Others at DWT contributing include Knute Gregg, Jean Tom, Kevin Saer, Emily Borich, Nicole Giuntoli, and Orrin Falby.