DWT attorneys have advised clients on hundreds of data security incidents, including enterprise ransomware attacks, sophisticated state-sponsored campaigns, and multimillion-dollar business email compromises, among many others. Our experience has shown us firsthand the key differences between companies that truly are prepared to respond to an incident and those that are not.

With this experience in mind, DWT's Information Security and Data Breach Response practice has launched a fixed-fee Incident Readiness Legal Assessment to guide our clients through key steps of preparing to respond to a security incident. The assessment includes four services:

  • Reviewing your incident response plan (IRP) or processes
  • Cataloguing your incident reporting and breach notification obligations
  • Pre-engagement of crucial incident response vendors
  • Guidance on preserving attorney-client and work product privileges

Standard pricing for the Incident Readiness Legal Assessment is $15,000. The scope and resultant pricing of the assessment can be adjusted to fit individual client needs.

About Our Team

DWT's Information Security and Data Breach Response team leverages its years of experience as outside breach counsel, in-house counsel for large and mid-sized companies, federal government attorneys, and cybersecurity consultants to deliver solutions that are legally sophisticated, technically savvy, strategy forward, and business friendly.

For More Information

If you'd like to learn more about DWT's Incident Readiness Legal Assessments or would like to discuss our information security and data breach response services generally, please contact Mike Borgia or another member of our team.